Tat’iana Dashkova: Telesnost’ – Ideologiia – Kinematograf: Visual’nyi kanon i sovetskaia povsednevnost’


  • Andrew Chapman Dartmouth College



Ключевые слова:

Советская культура, визуальная культура, телесность, мода, гигиена, комедии сталинского периода, быт, “Большой стиль”, каноничность


Andrew Chapman´s review of the book

Telesnost’ – Ideologiia – Kinematograf: Visual’nyi kanon i sovetskaia povsednevnost’

by Tat’iana Dashkova

Биография автора

Andrew Chapman, Dartmouth College

Andrew Chapman (PhD, Russian Literature and Culture, University of Pittsburgh) is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian at the Dartmouth and formerly a Visiging Assistant Professor of Russian Studies at the College of William and Mary. He is currently working on his first monograph, titled Queuetopia: Allocating Culture/Imagining Abundance, which focuses on second-world cultural production of the Soviet period and how it was constructed through discourses of scarcity and abundance. In the context of digital media, Andrew devotes much of his research to questions of how amateur artists operate in the digital age. His research has appeared in KinoKultura, Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinemas and Studies in Slavic Cultures.  He also serves as a lead editor for Digital Icons [Chapman.drew@gmail.com]




Как цитировать

Chapman, Andrew. 2017. «Tat’iana Dashkova: Telesnost’ – Ideologiia – Kinematograf: Visual’nyi Kanon I Sovetskaia povsednevnost’». Аппаратус. Кино, медиа и цифровая культура Центральной и Восточной Европы, вып. 5 (декабрь). https://doi.org/10.17892/app.2017.0005.55.